What does the Executive Committee do?
Social Media Manager
The Society President sets the Society's goals and strategy for the term, keeps EC Office Bearers accountable to execute their responsibilities, represents ORSSA as its head, attends the annual Conference to deliver the President's Address, compiles the President's report for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), chairs EC meetings and the AGM, and receive nominations for Society awards. The President holds office for a two-year period and the Immediate Past President is an ex-officio member for one year, during which year they fulfil the role of Vice President.
Vice President
The Vice President supports the President to ensure the execution of the goals and strategy for the term, convenes the TR Medal nomination committee, convenes the TR Medal selection committee (President, Vice President, and 2 EC members), actively prepares for upcoming term as President, and actively attends EC meetings and the AGM. A new Vice President is elected at alternate AGMs, to hold the position during the second year of the President’s tenure, and to succeed the President of the Society the following year
The Secretary receives correspondence from members, connects members with correct Office Bearers to meet their needs, meets EC Office Bearers' administrative needs, regularly shares opportunities and events with members, sends out calls and agendas for meetings and events, creates and share minutes for of meetings, notes action points and decisions, acts as custodian of the Society Workspace, calendar, and archive, actively attends EC meetings and the AGM, and facilitates any elections and voting required.
The Treasurer maintains the health of the Society's financial position through active management, collaborates with EC Office Bearers to create and settle invoices, collaborates with the Conference Treasurer, collects and reconciles membership fees and sponsorships, collaborates with an external auditor to generate the annual financial statements for the AGM, and actively attends EC meetings and the AGM.
Head of Marketing
The Head of Marketing chairs regular subcommittee meetings, actively recruits volunteers to manage the Society's social media, target membership sectors (academia, public sector, private sector), manage the Society's brand, and organise informal competitions. The Head of Marketing compiles feedback reports for EC meetings, actively attends EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles a feedback report for the AGM, and actively attends AGM meetings to field questions and comments.
Head of Member Relationships
The Head of Member Relationships chairs regular subcommittee meetings, actively recruits volunteers to connect with new members based on their physical location, introduces new members to the website, assists new members to join their first events, follows up with existing members to determine membership happiness, collects members' news, recommends members for competitions and awards, maintains the membership database, compiles feedback reports for EC meetings, actively attends EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles a feedback report for the AGM, and actively attend the AGM to field questions and comments.
Head of Events
The Head of Events actively searches for event opportunities, and actively recruits ad hoc volunteers to host events online or in person, balance the event budget, plan the event logistics, and market the event. The Head of Events collaborates with the Head of Marketing to offer regular events to members, creates and maintain a list of local event hosts, actively attends EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles a feedback report for the AGM, and actively attend the AGM to field questions and comments.
ORiON Journal Manager
The ORiON Journal Manager chairs regular subcommittee meetings with the ORiON Editor in Chief and Typesetter to manage the submission website, receive submissions, appoint reviewers, compile bi-annual online editions, maintain the standard of the Journal and accreditation, chair meetings with Associate Editors to discuss the strategy and future of the journal, and maintain the list of author guidelines for submissions. The ORiON Journal Manager ensures physical journal copies are printed and posted, manages the Journal brand, ensures library subscriptions are paid, actively attends subcommittee meetings, compiles feedback reports for EC meetings, actively attend EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles a feedback report for AGM, and actively attends the AGM to field questions and comments.
Head of News
The Head of News chairs regular subcommittee meetings and actively recruits volunteers for the subcommittee to compile an annual highlights booklet of the most important news from the Society, and to publish regular blog posts on events feedback and membership news. The Head of News compiles feedback reports for EC meetings, actively attends EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles feedback report for the AGM, and actively attends AGM meetings to field questions and comments.
Head of Digital
The Head of Digital chairs regular subcommittee meetings and actively recruits volunteers for the subcommittee to manage username and password logins for all third party digital services, maintain the Society website, constantly improve the aesthetics and functionality of the website, manage online submission and nomination forms, and protect the membership database. The Head of Digital compiles feedback reports for EC meetings, actively attends EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles a feedback report for AGM, and actively attends AGM meetings to field questions and comments.
Head of External Liaison
The Head of External Liaison chairs regular subcommittees meetings with representatives of sister societies and with the heads of the Special Interest Groups to increase collaboration between ORSSA members and members from relevant external bodies. The Head of External Liaison compiles feedback reports for EC meetings, actively attends EC meetings to field questions and comments, compiles a feedback report for the AGM, and actively attends the AGM to field questions and comments.
Election of the Executive Committee
Except for the President and Vice President, all members of the Executive Committee are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. A new Vice President is elected at alternate AGMs, to hold the position during the second year of the President’s tenure, and to succeed the President of the Society the following year. The President holds office for a two-year period. The Immediate Past President is an ex-officio member for one year, during which year they fulfil the role of Vice President. All classes of members may stand for election and be elected to the Executive Committee. Corporate members may not stand, but affiliates of the Corporate member may stand. Subcommittee positions are appointed unelected. Society members may avail themselves at any time for these positions to assist the EC Office bearer in executing the tasks listed. The Executive Committee appoints the Chair of Annual Conference Organising Committee by invitation.
The full regulations for the nomination and appointment of Office Bearers are detailed in the Society Constitution here. The call for nominations for the 2024 Executive Committee was made on 14 October 2024 and closed on 31 October 2024.